Flavoured water for the summer

My sister introduced the concept of flavoured water years before it went on to become a manic trend and since summer is here I decided to do a post about it.

It’s been almost a month and there’s always flavoured water sitting chilled in my fridge for us to sip on. Now it being summer and me having  a habit of forgetting to drink water. (Yes, I actually forget!! #imweirdlikethat)


so to make sure that I’m drinking water at least 8 glasses a day, I decided to start making flavoured water and keep sipping it through the day.  It’s been helping me keep hydrated as well as light in the stomach. So I thought why not share the recipes with everyone (not that it’s anything new – just rehashing old recipes incase yall needed it 🙂 )

Ginger-Lime- Orange-Mint flavour

You will need

One Lime

Few slices of Ginger

About 15 Mint Leaves

Orange Slices

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Fill water in a jar half way through, then put in the orange slices (about 4-5, depends on the size of the orange) you can use a whole fruit and use it in two to three different bottles like I did. We get medium sized ones here in Hyderabad so I used 3 small. Then add in the mint leaves, ginger and add in the fresh juice of 1/2 or 1 full lime depending on how strong you want the flavour to be. I used 2 limes for 3 bottles. Refrigerate for a few hours. You can do so for a minimum of  2-3 hours but to get the best flavours leave it over night.

Note: This is the same process of the other flavours as well.


I used a full cucumber for a big jar and 1 lime to balance out the flavours. I kept this over night to let the flavour get infused into the water. You can always refill the water as it gets over for a day or two till you think the flavours are completely sucked out of the fruit/vegetable.

*This recipe is supposed to help weight loss so drink up as much as you can 🙂


This third recipe is a new one for me as well. In fact, I’ve just put this to sit in the fridge. I’m going to be out the whole day so I decided to keep this in till i got back for the flavours to settle in.

I used half a red Apple and 1/2 tea spoon of Cinnamon powder.

Ideally, use cinnamon sticks but if you don’t have that then the powdered form works just fine as well. When you take the water out, be sure to add fresh cut slices of the apple to add to it and some ice as well as a garnish. Remember this can be used up to 2 days and be sure to change the water and fruit after that because the apple will brown. There’s no escaping that.

Hope you enjoyed this~!

 And if you have any new ideas for flavoured water that you want me to try, leave a comment below and I will be sure to try it!

Until next time,

Plus love,


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